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Dissection and Boston

Each table of four people got a snake sealed in a plastic bag to dissect. We dissected the snakes and located their organs. We have also dissected perch and have done online dissections on frogs. The dissection was gross.

We have also been working on poetry and are in the process of writing a poem about Jim Crow Laws right now. One of the poets we are studying is Roald Daul, he was a poet that remade several stories we know like The Three Little Pigs and Cinderella.

In math, we have been reviewing, practicing, and studing for our upcoming math test on 30-60-90 triangles and similar figures. I think the test will be hard.

Boston is coming up really fast. In just a few weeks, we will be watching whales, viewing the Boston buildings, and several other really cool things. We all are really excited for the trip.

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