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It's been extremely busy at OSIEL lately. Last year we met Emeka Nnaka and inquired about him coming to visit our class to speak to us. Emeka had a football injury and suffers from being paralized from the neck down, although he has gained small movement in his arms. On September 5th, Emeka first visited us and we had a great time. On Tuesday, we were excited to attend the Rotary Club of Bixby to support Emeka with his speech to the members! After his presentation, we went to Hideaway Pizza to eat lunch with him and my classmates. Emeka Nnaka is truly inspirational and I recommend him to learn from.

Emeka challenged us to use a magazine and cut out words and pictures that represented our life now and what we want our future to be.

We started a new competition, the paper roller coaster through Tulsa STEM. We could only use 24 notecards, 6 sheets of papers, 1 cereal box, 6 ft of tape, 2 water bottles, and 5 paper clips. Making a large paper roller coaster with only those supplies is difficult. After many days of working on our paper roller coaster, we finished. During the competition, each second the marble rolled on the roller coaster earned another point.

In Spanish, we have learned body parts, such as legs, arms, and facial features. We also have learned how to tell time in spanish. On our test over the topics, I made a 95% and a 98%.

In Ecybermission, my group and I will be working with PTSD; we are super excited.

Emeka's Challenge: (make a bridge of our future)

Emeka and us at Hideaway Pizza:

At the roller coaster comp:

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