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On Monday morning we left to Kansas City to view the eclipse, World War 1 Mueseum, Federal Reserve Bank, and Science Museum! As soon as we got in Kansas City, we ate lunch and hurried over to a college campus parking lot to see the moon starting to cover the sun! We thought the eclipse would cause the sky to get almost pitch dark, but it only got to the point where it looked like it was the evening. Towards the end of the eclipse the crickets started to chirp which was cool to hear because it was only around 1 pm.

On Tuesday, we went to the World War 1 Museum to learn about the war; it is in the top 15 museums in the US out of 30,000. Outside the museum there was a tower with an elevator then 40 steps you climb to see an amazing view of Kansas City, which was so pretty! When we walked in the Federal Reserve Bank the police officers had us walk through scanners to make sure we didn't have weapons. Once we were in the museum we walked over to a huge peice of glass where we watched money being made by the employees. In one of the several large glass boxes close to one of the counters held around 8.46 million dollars!

The Science Museum was very interactive with several stations we could learn at. On the third floor there was a rope attached across the building with a net under it, a bike was atached to the rope with 400 pounds of bricks connecting to the bottom of the bike. Several of us rode the bike, but only a few rode the bike completly across the rope because it being so high off the ground!

The tower:

One of the views by the tower:

The eclipse,

World War 1 Museum group pic:

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