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For Spanish we learned vowels, numbers from 1-10, and a few conversations. We also made a coding animation of a person counting in Spanish on

We were assigned to find someone from Oklahoma that made a positive change and become that person for our living museum. I chose Norma Smallwood; in 1926 she was the first Miss America to be Native American and be from Oklahoma. In math I learned imperfect and perfect square roots.

We are in chapter 14 in a really good book called “We Beat the Streets”. It’s about 3 boys who grew up in an extremely rough town, to become successful doctors.

For science each classmate was assigned a partner to make a solar oven. The goal was to find the melting point of a crayon, cheese, chocolate, and caramel. All solar ovens did well; we learned all the melting and boiling points for the items! We filled a water bottle half way with water then placed dry ice in it, screw the lid on and it will explode due to sublimation! After the explosion we looked at the damage. Nothing was harmed during the demonstration except the water bottle; it had ripped in half!

Right now we are working on a rollercoaster project, you can use a cereal box, 72” of masking tape (which is extremely weak!), 24 index cards, 6 sheets of paper, and 5 small paperclips. My group is doing an under the sea theme; we will take it to the competition soon!

We put on our waders and went down to the creek to test the water with the Blue Thumb program! The water was exactly how it was supposed to be, which is really good for all the creatures living there.

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